Threshing Sessions
A threshing session is a meeting at which a variety of different (and sometimes controversial) opinions can be openly, and sometimes forcefully, expressed, often in order to diffuse a tense situation before making decisions at a later meeting. Threshing sessions allow everyone to express what they think and feel without the burden of defending their point of view or needing to make a decision. By creating a space for open expression, participants are enabled to alter their position and, often, to fully hear others, rather defending their point of view in anticipation of a decision about to be made.
When might a threshing session
be useful?
In situations in which a difference of opinion is causing distress or disturbance, or delaying a necessary decision.
When a potentially contentious or controversial issue needs to be addressed.
To allow views to be expressed to enable movement towards greater clarity.
As a preliminary to a decision-making meeting.
Preparing for a threshing session
Include all parties who have a vested interest in the matter, or who will be impacted by its outcomes.
Offer advance notice to all participants.
Make an effort to ensure that all perspectives and interests will be represented.